Liberty and death: the protection from cruelty 

A key principle of a good suicide system is the recognition of the bare cruelty of forcing anyone to endure unbearable suffering. This is a keystone of my views about the legalisation of assisted suicide and the right to die.

There are people who don’t see things as black and white as I do but the creation of more human rights is all about the line between the light and the dark.

For example there’s an existing right of freedom from torture. This applies to war criminals who have killed thousands of people in genocide and prisoners of war who would otherwise be tortured for essential information. Of course this protection is breached but the protection is a line drawn against the unconquerable evil which is inherent to the human race. The protection is created the part of the human race who stand for the light and not the convenient evil. 

Thus I know that there will eventually be a right for individuals to choose their death whenever it is possible. This is the recognition of the inalienable freedoms of life apply to personal choices about suicide. It’s also a natural progression from the convenient cruelty which is rife in the modern medicalised suicide system and away from the evil tyranny which is ruled by doctors. 

I believe that the right to die should exist now but there is too much cruelty. Politicians are especially cruel and have voted to keep the mercy of assisted suicide illegal. They like so many people prefer a convenient lie to the truth.