Monthly Archives: Jun 2017

Imagine if you’re stuck on a cross made of two planks of wood. Imagine if you’re hung on the cross by nails put through your palms. Christians have no empathy and the crucifixation of Jesus makes them worship their God. Their religion faded but their cruelty and heartlessness didn’t. Their belief in the value of unbearable suffering is essential to the cruelty of the institution of psychiatry which was created as the fall of religion happened. And the cruelty of the monsters who call themselves the human race has only gotten worse since the creation of psychiatry. That’s why assisted suicide is a crime and the will to live is worthless. The cruelty at the core of every Christian became the cruelty of psychiatry and the cruelty of psychiatry allowed the monsters who call themselves the human race to keep on doing the blatant cruelty they love to do. Because Christians love blatant cruelty. 

My punishment is all the worse because the monsters who call themselves the human race force me to live. They are truly monsters so they know exactly how to do what’s cruel and crueller. OF COURSE I NEED TO DIE. Because of the cruelty of the monsters who call themselves the human race. They force me to live because that’s more cruelty and they do love to do blatant cruelty. Nothing and no one can stop them from doing more cruelty to me. They are free to be more cruel and they’re monsters so that’s exactly what they do.

The monsters love blatant cruelty so they won’t give their victims a good death. They’re too cruel to be able to care about a good death. They’re too cruel to be humane. They’re too cruel to stand to see me free to end my suffering. They are monsters after all. There’s no limit to their cruelty and they don’t want a limit so assisted suicide is a crime. But making me want to die is what they work for. It’s not a crime to deliberately keep on making me want to die.

Suicidal individuals want the end of their suffering and they’re willing to achieve it by any means necessary because living is so terrible. That’s why they choose to die. But the monsters who call themselves the human race are too cruel to care. They’d rather do blatant cruelty and protect their freedom to inflict the blatant cruelty they love to do. So their suicide system and their civilisation is totally fucked up. So they made me want to die but now they force me to live because they need to keep on hurting me.

By any means necessary? The objective of the monsters who call themselves the human race is to remain free to do the blatant cruelty they love to do. This is evident in their suicide system and their civilisation. The protection of the will to live doesn’t exist. The abuse of unbearable suffering is rampant. And by any means necessary the monsters who call themselves the human race keep the successful suicide rate low but not the rate of unbearable suffering and suicidal feelings. They force me to suffer because they need to hurt me. They can’t care because they’re monsters so the end of my suffering is totally irrelevant.